The changes are expected to take 1 hour each and will be implemented on the following dates:
Monday 22-05-2023, 07:00-08:00 Yoda for Humanities (GW)
Yoda for ITS (ITS)
Yoda for I-lab (I-lab)
Tuesday 23-05-2023, 07:00-08:00 Data Archive for Geosciences (DAG)
Yoda for GEO (GEO)
Wednesday 24-05-2023, 07:00-08:00 Yoda for Science (Science)
Thursday 25-05-2023, 07:00-08:00 Yoda for Youth (Youth)
Friday 26-05-2023, 07:00-08:00 Yoda for Social Sciences (FSW)
Data publication platform of Utrecht University (Public)
Yoda External User Service (EUS)
Tuesday 30-05-2023, 07:00-08:00 Yoda for Veterinary Medicine (DGK)
During implementation, the system is not available to users. Upgrade will be by faculty.
As an example: When upgrading the Yoda DGK instance, researchers on the Yoda GW instance can continue to work as usual. Implementation will take place outside SLA/working hours (or by agreement with researchers)