Status IT services


9 October 2023 / 07:00 - 6 November 2023 / 07:00

Project Wifi improvement Androclus (entire building except Technical Rooms)

Scope: realize new connections for Wi-Fi + moving existing Access Points

Planning phased, in consultation with end user(s)

Impact: This means that we work on different floors on a daily basis, depending on the situation of the end user(s)

Wi-Fi is interrupted and activated per connection, as much as possible outside office hours

This overview shows the current status of universitywide IT services as well as scheduled maintenance. Local services from faculties and departments are not mentioned here. This also applies to University Library systems. If you suspect a malfunction that is not listed here, please contact us
This overview shows the known IT issues and available workarounds. We are working on a permanent solution. Any questions? Please contact the IT Service Desk.